The petition to reinstate Father Richard Kirkham has been rejected.
FRK Advocates received a response back from Bishop Michael Olson to our petition. He will not act on the petition signed by over 600 members of the laity requesting the reinstatement of Father Richard Kirkham and he continues to deny a request for a meeting with members of the FRK Advocates.
It is a disappointing response, but we will continue to pray for Father Richard Kirkham, The Holy See as they look into this matter, for Bishop Olson, and for all parishes who have been affected by these events.
The response from Bishop Michael Olson is below.
Thank you for your letter of October 18, 2018, with accompanying attachments, regarding your concerns for Father Richard Kirkham, former pastor of Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Prosper, Texas.
As I explained to the parishioners of Saint Martin’s at each Mass druing my pastoral visit last June 30 and July 1, I am unable to further address the specifics of the situation because of the ongoing civil and canonical processes. I regret that the delicate nature of this situation has caused a lack of trust among those of you who are parishioners at Satin Martin’s and elsewhere. I am grateful for the prayers that you have offered and those that you have promised.
I assure you of my commitment to a just and swift resolution of this matter. Please be assured of my prayers for each of you and my pastoral care for Father Kirkham and for all of the people in Saint Martin’s parish and throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth. With every good wish I remain,
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Michael F. Olson, STD MA – Bishop of Forth Worth

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